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Kindergarten Curriculum

Every child deserves the best possible start in life and the support that will enable them to fulfill their full potential. Children develop quickly and their experiences in their early life has a profound effect on who they become in the future. A secure and high quality learning environment enables a child to make the most out of their abilities and talents as they grow.
Cambridge international section will shape the children in the following 6 prime areas as these also work as a framework to the teaching and charting of children’s progress.

Areas of learning…

The Foundation Stage Curriculum is split into six areas of learning…

  • Personal, social and emotional development
  • Communication, language and literacy
  • Mathematical development
  • Knowledge and understanding of the world
  • Physical Development
  • Creative Development

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

  • Encourages children to be independent and to interact with other children and adults.
  • Helps children to become confident, safe, secure and ready to learn from new experiences.


Communication, Language and Literacy

  • Encourages children to develop conversational skills.
  • Will help children to develop listening and concentration skills.
  • Enables children to begin to hear sounds in words and to link these sounds to letters.
  • Encourages children to develop pencil control and to begin to make marks on paper.
  • Will help children to learn to read individual words and eventually, simple stories independently.


Mathematical Development

  • Helps children to count up to ten and beyond.
  • Encourages them to use mathematical words such as greater, smaller, heavier, lighter, more, less etc
  • Develops skills in comparing and sorting objects.
  • Supports children’s understanding of shape and size including 2D and 3D shapes

Knowledge and Understanding of the World

  • Helps children to gain an understanding of their world (Geography)
  • Encourages them to look at changes over time (History)
  • Encourages them to explore and investigate (Science)
  • Helps to develop designing and making skills (D&T)
  • Will give your children the opportunity to understand and use information and communication technology (ICT).


 Physical Development 

  • Supports children’s healthy development.
  • Provides opportunities for using a range of large and small equipment.
  • Helps them to develop a sense of space around themselves and others.
  • Encourages balance.
  • Develops practical skills such as dressing, undressing etc 


Creative Development 

  • Inspires children to explore colour and colour changes.
  • Helps them to explore shape and texture using all of their senses.
  • Develops an interest in music, singing and music-making.
  • Develops confidence and imagination.

Kindergarten Curriculum

Every child deserves the best possible start in life and the support that will enable them to fulfill their full potential. Children develop quickly and their experiences in their early life has a profound effect on who they become in the future. A secure and high quality learning environment enables a child to make the most out of their abilities and talents as they grow.

Cambridge international section will shape the children in the following 7 prime areas as this also work as a framework to the teaching and charting of children’s  progress.
The prime areas are:

  • Communication and language
    We do this by providing children with the opportunity to experience a rich language environment.
  • Physical development
    The children in the kindergarten section of the school are provided with opportunities to be active and interactive by engaging in sports activities everyday, they are also sensitized on the need to eat healthy food.
  • Personal social and emotional development
    The teacher does this during circle time where children are encouraged to develop a positive sense of themselves and others.
  • Literacy
    The children will be taught phonics and blending of sounds to make words, Jolly phonics which is a multisensory approach to teaching will be employed to teach the children, the children will be given access to a wide range off books through shared reading and quite time reading sessions.
  • Mathematics
    The children will be provided with opportunity to develop their counting, understanding and use of numbers and shapes.
  • Understanding the world
    The children will be taught on how to make sense of the physical  world around them this will be done through nature walks, field trips and selected themes about the environment.
  • Expressive Arts and Design
    The children will be introduced to a wide range of media and materials, as well as providing opportunities and encouragement for sharing their thoughts, ideas and feelings through a variety of activities in art, music, movement, dance, role play, design and technology.